Wakefield Wolverines Athletic Booster Club
Our Mission
To Inspire performance excellence at Wakefield High School
To raise funds and to assist all school athletic programs, to foster and promote goodwill and spirit to support, promote, and maintain high standards of performance excellence in the following areas: Empower Individual Teams, Re-Inspire the Community, Proactively Maximize Communication, Streamline Efficiency, Act Creatively, Improve Strength and Performance, Develop/Enforce Accountability Standards. Encourage Community Engagement
Pillars of Success
Empower Individual Teams
We want all sports teams to operate with an empowered spirit knowing the booster club is here to support them.
Re-Inspire the Community
In a post-Covid world, the community wants to get back involved with high school sports and the Club seeks to support an active high school sports community that draws the overall community back to the stands.
Proactively Maximize Communication
As we support our sports teams, we act with bias towards communication with all internal stakeholders.
Streamline Efficiency
We seek to continuously learn and implement better/faster ways to operate.
Act Creatively
One step further than “thinking creatively”, we take action on our creative thoughts and try new things, learning from experience.
Improve Strength and Performance
The foundation for all success is athletic competition is strength and speed. We seen to arm our athletic programs with the necessary equipment to maximize their performance
Develop Excellent Teamwork with Coaching Staff
We believe strong relationships with coaches are essential to a unified winning culture.
Encourage Community Engagement
We seek to develop a student athlete population that serves its community.